
 #Libye #Fezzan #Oubari

A Toubou-TOUAREG ALLIANCE HUNTS the men of khalifa haftar from the city of oubari.

After violent fighting all night on February 6, Khalifa Haftar's army fled and abandoned all his positions in and around the city of oubari. It's a new alliance between toubou and touareg that was right about the expansionist targets of the old marshal.

The aim of the army army is to seize the strategic strategic oil site and move towards the el oil field controlled by the toubou, under the command of bokori souguimi.

The appointment of general touareg ali kana, as military leader of the south by the government of National Union of fayez el nations, has rekindled the hopes of a large toubou-Touareg Military Alliance for the control and security of the great libyan south.

Correspondent Toubou media in oubari.