#urgent #Libye #Fezzan #Toubou #Tchad


Toubou Média

The barbarism and cynicism of the Libyan army of khalifa haftar: it brings together sudanese mercenaries from the #jem who died in fighting and... executed some and made them look like toubou.

The Images Are terrible and chilling, dozens of bodies shredded and scattered over a hundred feet and some burned, it is the sudanese militia bodies of #jem executed by officers of the libyan arab army and some dead in the fighting. The lack of consideration for their allies is such that the dead are displayed without respect and some wounded in the zakhawa community have been executed and other tortured accused of being responsible for defeat.

We call upon our oppressed brothers in darfur to leave the ranks of this racist and barbaric army and to take immediate action with major toubou in mourzouk for their security and cantonment in secure camps. Your leaders betrayed you and used you as cannon flesh: in the 2008 s in Chad and today in Libya. Khalifa Haftar has the same ideology as the criminals in power in darfur who committed genocide in your region.

Correspondent Toubou media in sebha