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نصر تاريخى لقوات التبو على المليشيات المعتدية

Toubou Média

Historic Victory of the armed forces toubou: the city of ghodwa surrounded, haftar suspends the fighting.

Surrounded, without the possibility of supplies and evacuation of his wounded to targuan, general khalifa haftar was forced to suspend operations throughout the fezzan. The Balance Sheet of these two days has been, it must be said, heavy: about deaths and injured in the popular popular armed forces and mercenaries mercenaries killed, about soldiers from the Libyan army of haftar eliminated and Hundreds of wounded. Tripoli's arrival of sophisticated anti-aircraft system also deterred the Libyan man from stopping any new air bombardment on mourzouk.

Khalifa Haftar, after killing the people of Benghazi and derna, believed in land conquered and in a health walk. Mistake. The man who was captured in Wadi-Doum by hissein habré and exhibited on chadian television one evening of April 13, 1987, kept a tenacious hatred of the toubou people. He wants to take his revenge on history by entering mourzouk, fief fief in Libya and by who passes all logistical and military support to the toubou of Chad and Niger.

However, according to fighters interviewed by the corresponding media correspondent in mourzouk, caution is required and the maximum alert and pressure must be maintained. A resumption of fighting with Benghazi reinforcements is not to be removed.

Correspondent Toubou media in mourzouk.