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self-Defence committee against the road cutters in North Tchad

Toubou Média


General Alifa Weddey would have taken the lead of a self-Defence committee against the road cutters at the border.

We have just learned from safe sources that general alifa weddey, younger brother of the former President of Chad Goukouni Weddey, has engaged with groups of citizens a chase against gangs of criminals who rob and assassinate traders between Chad and the Libya but also something new more inside the bet, in the region region.

These criminals are headed by the former commander of the sector sector, Colonel Heri. Having complicity at the highest level of the command command, the objectives of these criminals manipulated by military intelligence are clear: sowing terror and preventing any popular uprising at the bet. They're killing everything and ripping gold and vehicle.

Their last packages dates back to three days: four cars ripped out and two people murdered in tibesti and another team robbed the treasure public treasury in faya and robbed a gold conveyor at the exit of the same city. Having understood the silence and complicity of the state, the people, contravenes by this "Hogra" decided to take the situation in hand.

With the sustained deterioration of security, will other self-defence committees see the day in zouar, faya and wour?

We will return to you in the following hours with more details.

Correspondent Toubou media in zouar.