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Messeki events in chad...?

Coordination of the self-Defence committee

Communiqué no. 004 / CAD / BN / 2018

We wish to inform the national and international opinion of the following: there are no rebels in miski at the time we draw these lines from the battle front. The struggle of the self-Defence Committee is that of an oppressed people who defend their rights against a dictatorial regime that tries to submit it by force, to Rob the land of its ancestors by looting its basement for the benefit of the mafia at Power. This struggle is not a media game or a plot of living, it costs us expensive, both in human lives and in destruction of property. Yesterday, a brave man fell into a martyr and two others were injured.

As a result, we provide a formal and unequivocal denial of the irresponsible and unaccountable words of the Secretary-General of the military command council for the salvation of the Republic (Ccmsr) M. Kingabé Ogouzemi de tapol, who in a communiqué reported "the presence of his men alongside the inhabitants in miski". the ccmsr has never participated in the conflict in miski and has no basis Tibesti. The Self-Defence committee also has no official or informal contact with the ccmsr. These political and media posturing play the part of the regime and the ccmsr, by ignorance or design, shows the face of an organization serving the chadian dictatorship. We ask the political and military leadership of the ccmsr to stop this unhealthy game without having the courage to enter the real struggle.

The coordination of the self-Defence Committee, while fighting with the forces of tyranny, has learned with terror the cowardly and barbaric assassination of twenty of our compatriots on the Libyan side of kouri bouguidi. We take this opportunity to express our deepest condolences to the families of these chadian murdered and call for an impartial investigation to enlighten national opinion on this unacceptable crime.

For the self-Defense Committee
The Coordinator and spokesperson, Mr. Molly Sougui.

Done at miski on 16 November 2018.