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Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue
From Wikipedia:
ذاع فى الفترة الاخيرة لقاءات واجتماعات بين الفرقاء الليبين خارج الوطن وفى العواصم الغربية وحتى بعض دول افريقيا تحت رعاية مركز الحوار الانسانى ...ماذا تعرف عن هذا المركز؟
The Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, otherwise known as the Henry DunantCentre for Humanitarian Dialogue, or HD, is a private diplomacy organisation based in Switzerland that assists in mediation between conflicting parties to prevent or end armed conflicts.[1][2] Founded in 1999, the aim of the organisation is to promote and facilitate dialogue among the leadership of the main belligerents.[3]
It also conducts research and analysis on mediation and peacemaking in support of its operational work to improve international efforts to secure and sustain peace. To do so, HD opens channels of communication and mediates between parties in conflict, as well as facilitates dialogue and provides support to the broader mediation and peacebuilding community.[4] HD will facilitate dialogue in both confidential settings as well as public ones.
It is headquartered in Geneva,[5] which is also the location of its Middle East and North Africa programme. HD has regional offices in Africa and Asia.